Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A typical Monday for me is after work, I head to my aerobics class and then on to my small group. Last night was no different. I enjoyed a good workout and a little yoga to finish up the hour. While we were putting up our weights, steps and balls, someone mentioned that they'd seen "Christian Yoga" for sale. I immediately had to restrain myself from not rolling my eyes and muttering sarcastic things under my breath. So I just went about my business and quickly left. I got to my small group in a whats fair to say a pretty irritable mood. Maybe it was the peanut butter sandwiches for dinner or the complete and utter lack of actual community that we have, but I was pissy. To add insult to injury we got on the topic of "Non-Christians" a pretty hot button issue for me. (Pretty much my entire immediate family are not believers.) The discussion inevitably lead to how "we can't expect non-Christians to be moral or to act like we do. They just don't know any better. They're not Christians after all." Yeah, cause we Christians are always in a place to act like we're always doing and saying the right thing. Not to mention that lots "non-Christians" don't cheat on their taxes or their spouses. They know the difference between right and wrong and often do what's right even though we assume they don't even have a conscience. When did we get into the business of separating ourselves from the outside world? Someone kept saying "We just need to live life with them." And I agree with that statement, but my question is what use is it live life with someone when you've already sized them up in your head. Don't you think they're going to see that in your eyes? Your heart? Even your actions? I do. Maybe we could just try to see EVERYONE though God's eyes. It's not easy, but it's worth a try right? Then we can really live life together.

1 comment:

Jim Looby said...

It has been fascinating to see the difference in attitudes of my believing students at a state school. The willingness to love everyone as they are is refreshing. An attitude of judgment is a terribly corrosive thing to one's character.

Right on.