Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Two Years Ago...

Today, two years ago, Christopher Gene Richardson asked me to be his wife. Today, two years ago, he told me the words that I had longed to hear for two and half years. He said, "Robin I love you, will you be my wife?" Actually, I'm don't really remember him asking me to marry him, after he said I love you, I just started crying and it was pretty much over from there.You see, Chris always said he would never tell a girl he loved her, until he was ready to marry her. After that, I just cried, hugged and kissed him and cried and hugged him some more and then kissed him some more.
From the first date I had with Chris, I knew I wanted to marry him. I loved his deep questions, the way he smirked when he said something sarcastic, his humbleness, sense of humor and of course his good looks. Our relationship from there was quite a roller coaster of emotions. But, I wouldn't trade any of it now. I know that is has strengthened us. Although, we are so different, really complete opposites about most everything, I know those differences only enrich our relationship.
I love Chris Richardson more than I can possibly explain. He is the most important person in my life. I am so happy that today, two years ago, he asked me to be his wife. He is everything I never knew I always wanted.


Misty said...

If I may share in your nostalgia. I also thought that Chris was probably the boy for you when you first (and with some anxiety) mentioned your first encounters. I really enjoyed watching you're love story pan out even though I know it was hard at times. And as you remember, I wasn't the least bit surprised when you called to confess that you loved him. Remember? You guys are so great!

The Norvells said...

Robin...you and I have one thing in common about our husbands. Dave and I, when you look at us on paper, seem like the strangest and most odd, but perfect match. We always look at one another and thing...who'd of thought WE of all people would end up married. We went to school with each other for three years, and then all of a sudden there was a wedding. I think the same thing about you and Chris. On paper, like you mentioned, you two seem like total opposties. It is funny to look back at you two as individuals in college and realize how polar opposite you were. But I have to agree whole heartedly, 100% that you two have always been meant and planned for one another by Him.