Friday, April 27, 2007

And that's when...

Yesterday, my husband called me to tell me that HIS mom called to TELL him that they were going to put his childhood pet "to sleep". His voice seemed sad and nostalgic all at the same time. I knew he was remembering Chewbaca, affectionately known as "Chewy" as a puppy. I told him I'm was sorry for his mom. Chewy has been living with her since Chris went away to college. He then shot back, "Aren't you sorry for me?! I got Chewy when I was ten years old". I immediately felt bad and told him I was sorry for him too. And I am. But, that's when it hit me. This is what marriage is about. It's about being able to call your wife or husband and telling them something that is important to only you, maybe even life changing and they are expected to care. You may not tell anyone else, but if you tell THAT PERSON, YOUR PERSON then it makes it feel like it really happened and that it really matters. Kinda reminds me of a Dashboard song. But, that's the thing about marriage. When you say "I do" it means I promise to care about your life, your feelings, your past and I will always try to care about those things. Don't know why this all just occurred me or why I just now figured it out. Better late than never though. And " I do" Chris. I'm sorry I didn't yesterday, but I do now.

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