Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Life is boring around here. Well, maybe not boring, but mostly Rufus consumed. Everything is kinda revolving around that dog. Find treats that he loves, the right kind of dog food, teaching him tricks (Chris is at least) and taking him to the dog park. I do love that little dog face though.

Other than that just working and same ole same ole.

Just working.

Told you... Dullsville.


Misty said...

Dull is good. You probably haven't had enough of that.

The Norvells said...

ditto to dull. But, its when I'm not in dullsville and instead in overwhelmedville that I really crave dullville. We always want what we can't have.
I love your dog....Rufus and Dexter would be good friends. Except I think Rufus will grow to ten times Dexter's size.